The Impact Of Osgood-Schlatter Disease On Track Runners (And How To Minimize It)


The strenuousness of competing in track and field events makes youth athletes prone to many types of injuries. Among the most common and, unfortunately, most severe is Osgood-Schlatter disease. This condition impacts youth track runners at a young age and can derail their career. Here is what you need to know about it. Understanding Osgood-Schlatter And Track Runners Osgood-Schlatter is an overuse disease caused in track runners who are running or practicing excessively.

7 July 2016

The Impact Protein Supplements Have On Your Exercise Routine And Why You Would Want To Include Them


The human body is made up of water, fat and protein, in the simplest of descriptions. The protein is in your muscles and bodily organs, as well as your skin. When you exercise, these muscles go through some major metabolic changes. If you want to support your muscles (and your body as a whole), adding protein supplements to your diet and exercise routine can have quite the impact. Here is how these supplements impact your routine and why you would want to add them (if you currently do not partake of them).

6 July 2016